Caroline Sapriel - Importance of crisis stakeholder mapping – especially in disruptive times

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Steering your organisation through the maze of stakeholders is always a challenge, but during a crisis the stakes increase and it can be the difference between a temporary setback and permanent organisational damage.

In the last months we have seen the amazing speed with which Covid-19 can spread, causing financial and reputational damage to companies, but more importantly also physical harm to their employees. In the current hyper-connected and politically charged world, being able to understand who who needs to be informed, who is impacted and who needs to act during a crisis is essential.

As Project Management Professionals, it is critical to manage your network of stakeholders effectively. Therefore, planning ahead to optimize your response and improve your chances of retaining their trust is instrumental to every project’s success. This is even more important in the current Covid-19 conditions, which don’t appear to be going away any time soon. Now more than ever, the ability to map stakeholders and see ahead is an invaluable skill that every project manager should possess.


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Event date Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Event end date Tuesday, 29 September 2020
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